Save Time and Money at the Grocery Store with These Three Tips

Written by Carly Simon-Gersuk

I don’t know about you guys, but I used to like grocery shopping. I would go weekly (sometimes multiple times a week) and spend my time walking up and down aisles deciding what I would eat that week. That all changed when grocery shopping became a chore; when it was necessary to stock up on anything and everything. Buying in bulk and trying to go through produce quickly to eliminate food waste, my grocery expenses rose. I presume many of yours did too.

Tired of going over my grocery budget, I have tried different ways to save. Here are three tips I found useful to stick to my grocery budget!

1.Compare store prices

One money-conscious practice is going to grocery stores that have better priced items. As someone who eats a lot of produce, I have found that the local produce stores have better deals than chains. For instance, I can buy a pound of spinach at a produce store for $1.29, whereas a pound at Whole Foods is $4.99. While it may not save me time to go to two grocery stores, since places like Ralphs or Trader Joes are better for other products especially generic ones, buying fresher produce and for cheaper is worth it. Also, buying produce that is in season from any store will save you money.

2.Meal Preparation

Another money-conscious practice, as well as health-conscious practice, that I have found to be efficient is meal preparation. Planning my meals saves me time and money! Knowing what is on the menu for the day, even week, I do not toy around in the kitchen deciding what I do have and could make; I am not making last-minute trips to the grocery store; and I am less likely to eat-out to ensure the things I buy do not go bad.

By following the core idea of meal prep, planning for a set number of days, I can focus on a few meal types for the week and stay within my food budget. For instance, I may cook enough protein that can be eaten over three or more meals, and choose a variety of sides and spices to keep my taste buds engaged.

3.Making Lists

I have recently become more conscious knowing what I have in my pantry, fridge and freezer. By taking stock of what I already have at home keeps me from spending money on things I do not need. It also reduces my food waste by ensuring I use up what I have. My lists also help determine what items should be bought in bulk, since items have different shelf lives and I may consume at larger quantities.


Written by Carly Simon-Gersuk